SITXHRM001 Assessment 1 answers, SITXHRM001 Assessment 2 answers and Observation answers
Australian assignment help has experts to provide SITXHRM001 to coach others in job skills assessment and observation answers at affordable prices. SITXHRM001 is an important unit that focuses on providing coaching with the objective of enhancing skills and abilities. The unit is quite useful in developing skills and knowledge required in order to provide on the job coaching to colleagues. A candidate is considered competent in this unit provided he is able to demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and procedures essential in operating independently with the skills developed. The unit is therefore applicable to the tourism, hospitality and event sector. Australian assignment help has nursing assignment writers to provide complete assistance with respect to all the questions and answers as required to answer in SITXHRM001 unit. They can be contacted for SITXHRM001 assessment 1 answers, SITXHRM001 assessment 2 answers and SITXHRM001 observational answers.
Sample Questions to Answer in SITXHRM001 Assessment Unit
It is possible to achieve competency in the SITXHRM001 unit by way of answering the questions that are asked in this unit in a perfect way. The questions are based on coaching and training skill development at the workplace, and effectiveness of coaching in order to judge the overall learning of a student. Some of the important sample questions that need to be answered as a part of this unit are:
- How have you identified the need for coaching/training in the workplace?
- Provide a detailed example of how you have coached a colleague in a work-related task and how you provide feedback.
- How did you know the coaching was successful?
- Explain the possible causes of performance problems or difficulties.
To get the most relevant answers of all the above questions, the expert of Australian assignment help can provide significant assistance to achieve success in this unit. They have successfully completed their course in SITXHRM001 unit, and they can therefore better understand its requirements and can provide most appropriate and adequate answers to achieve success.
Important Elements and Performance Criteria of SITXHRM001 Assessment Unit
This unit of SITXHRM001 includes certain important elements and performance criteria in order to judge the overall learning of a candidate from this code. The important elements and performance criteria are indicated as follows:
1) prepare for on the job coaching: the candidate must be able to identify the need for coaching and identify specific coaching needs by way of discussing with colleagues
2) coach colleagues on the job: The candidate must be able to explain the purpose of coaching, demonstrate specific skills, form communication with required knowledge and provide colleague with the opportunity to ask questions, and provide feedback in supportive manner
3) follow up coaching: The candidate must be able to monitor the progress of new skills developed and report progress to the appropriate person. The candidate also identifies any problems in its performance and takes steps to resolve the problem.