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CHCLEG003 assessment answers, case study answers and learner guide
Get CHCLEG003 assessment answers, case study answers and learner guide from the experts of Australian assignment help in Australia. The company has high quality of experts who have completed their CHCLEG003 unit and they can therefore provide the most appropriate answers in relation to CHCLEG003 assessment unit. The company has access to learning a guide as well that helps in providing most appropriate answers to all the questions on CHCLEG003 unit. CHCLEG003 case study answers provided by law assignment help experts Australian assignment help are highly appropriate in securing maximum marks.
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance assessment answers
Ethical and legal compliances are important requirements for the successful operations of an organisation. CHCLEG003 is an important unit that deals with management of legal and ethical compliances by small and middle size organisation. The compliance with ethical and legal standards is generally ensured by top level management, and they have to frame policies and procedures to ensure their compliance by all the employees in the organisation. Compliance is generally defined as the conformity with relevant laws and regulations that are applicable to a business. The primary difference between the ethical and legal compliance is that ethical compliance is not mandatory whereas legal compliance are required to be observed completely while performing the organisation’s activity. However in order to ensure successful compliance with ethical and legal formalities, it is important to have good understanding of such compliances and ability to develop policies and procedures. This unit of CHCLEG003 to manage legal and ethical compliance, describe the skills and knowledge required to research information about compliance and ethical practice and also enhances the understanding about developing and monitoring policies and procedures for better compliances.
Important performance criteria of CHCLEG003 assessment answers
In order to achieve competence in CHCLEG003 assessment unit, there are certain important performance criteria that need to be address positively. These performance indicators along with their minimum requirements are discussed as follows:
- Research information required for legal compliance: This is the first basic requirement in order to achieve computers in this unit. The candidate must be able to research information that are required for legal compliance, must be able to evaluate their own area of work and determine the compliance requirement, able to identify risk and consequences of non compliance.
- Determine ethical responsibilities: It is important to be able to identify the ethical framework that applies to the work context, able to apply ethical practices in performing the task, ability to model ethical behaviour in own work.
- Develop and communicate policies and procedures: It is important that the candidate should be able to document policies and procedures in relation to legal and ethical practices, integrate documentation and record keeping requirement into policies, must be able to protect client information, and must be able to communicate the policies and procedures to colleagues and peers on a timely basis.
- Monitor compliance: In order to accomplish ethical and legal compliance properly in the workplace, it is important that the candidate should be able to evaluate the work practices for non compliance, must be able to verify ethical breaches on legal practice breaches to relevant people.
- Maintain knowledge of compliance requirement: It is important for the candidate to maintain complete knowledge of compliance requirement which involves identifying opportunities to maintain knowledge of current and emerging legal requirements and ethical issues, ability to update information with peers and colleagues, and actively involve in the process of review and improvement.