Table of Contents
CHCLEG001 Assessment Answers, Learner Guide and Case Study Answers.
CHCLEG001 assessment answers comprises of CHCLEG001 assessment 1, CHCLEG001 assessment 2, and CHCLEG001 assessment 3, and it also include case study answers. As CHCLEG001 is an important assessment in relation to working ethically and legally, it requires student to do different types of assessments in order to prove they learning from this unit. However learner guide act as a crucial assistance in answering all the CHCLEG001 assessment questions. Students are also required to provide adequate evidence regarding their learning from this unit by way of appearing for CHCLEG001 childcare assessment answers, aged care answers and scenario based answers.
CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically Assessment Answers
CHCLEG001 is an important unit that describes about the ethical and legal consideration that support workers are required to observe while providing care to patients. In order to provide best care to patient, it is important for the support workers to consider both the ethical and legal frameworks. It is important for the support workers to have a good understanding of the laws that are designed with the objective of protecting the safety and rights of every citizen. On the other hand, ethics are defined as the values that each individual lives by and they define what is right or wrong. Support workers therefore need to be ethical so that they adapt right approach in providing best possible care opportunity to patients. In case of community services, the ethical responsibility of workers include a good understanding of organisation’s work health and safety, and also awareness about the emergency procedures that need to be maintained in order to achieve their own safety and also of patients. The advantages of this unit of CHCLEG001 work legally and ethically assessment is that it is applied to community services and health workers, those have an active role to play in identifying and meeting their legal and ethical responsibilities. By undergoing this unit, it can be possible for a Health Care worker observe the legal and ethical responsibilities in a positive way that ultimately leads to delivery of quality care to patients.
Important Elements and Performance Criteria of CHCLEG001 Assessment Unit
In order to make a student competent with respect to legal and ethical frameworks as applicable in case of community services and health workers, this unit involves key elements such as identifying the legal requirements, identifying ethical responsibilities, and contributing towards workplace improvement. These elements and their performance criteria are indicated below:
1) Identify and respond to legal requirements: This unit teaches about the need to identify and respond to legal requirements by a healthcare worker, in observing their responsibility in the workplace. The important performance criteria therefore includes identifying, accessing and interpreting sources of information in relation to legal requirements, identification of the scope and nature of own legal rights and responsibilities, achieving proper compliance with legal requirements in work practice as per the standards laid down, and properly recognising any kind of breaches and make its proper reporting as per the organisation procedures.
2) Identify and meet ethical responsibilities: It is important for the care worker to identify and interpret the information about ethical responsibilities that apply to their work role. They must be able to meet ethical responsibility as per the standards and protocol identified in the workplace requirements, and should have the ability to recognise ethical issues and dilemmas. They must have the recognition ability with respect to their personal values and attitudes, and should apply problem solving techniques in order to deliver quality services to patients. They must be able to report unethical conduct and report it to the most responsible person in the workplace.
3) Contribute to workplace improvements: A care worker is considered efficient in contributing towards workplace improvement provided he has the ability to identify situations where there can be improvement possible in complying with legal and ethical responsibilities, able to discuss with colleagues and supervisors and share feedback proactively, and undertake proactive initiatives to achieve improvement over the policies and protocol by recommending necessary changes.
It is important to be competent in all the above areas in order for being recognised as competent in CHCLEG001 Assessment unit.
How Australian Assignment Help assists in CHCLEG001 Assessment Answers
In answering the questions of CHCLEG001 assessment unit, the role and implication of the expert of Australian assignment help is significant. They have quality experts to provide answers of all CHCLEG001 assessment that can ensure high level of success to student. By taking help from the expert of Australian assignment help in CHCLEG001 unit, it can be possible for a student to guarantee their success in this particular unit. Nursing assignment writers in particular can assist in accomplishing better grades in CHCLEG001 unit.