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CHCDIV002 Summative Assessment Answers and Case Study Answers.
The experts at Australian assignment help are best in providing CHCDIV002 summative assessment 1 answers, CHCDIV002 summative assessment 2 answers and all other summative assessment in a perfect way. CHCDIV002 comprises of important adjustments in order to evaluate the learning of students from the entire unit. This includes summative assessment and case studies. Summative assessments are applied with a view to assess the learning of a student by way of making comparison of student’s performance with the standard. They are highly trained and experienced to provide quality answers of all the questions regarding aboriginal culture and safety to make sure that student scores maximum marks.
Along with summative assessment, case studies are also an integral part of evaluating students learning in CHCDIV002 unit. Case Studies are designed in a way that requires students to apply their learning in a practical way. This is an important way of judging the learning of a student and it is utilised in the given CHCDIV002 unit to evaluate students learning regarding the concept of cultural safety among aboriginals. The experts of Australian assignment help can also be asked to provide CHCDIV002 case study answers and this can prove to be highly beneficial in terms of achieving maximum marks in the CHCDIV002 unit. The important questions that are asked as a part of CHCDIV002 assessment unit are:
- Develop record and explain the strategies that you would follow to engage indigenous community?
- How can you promote culturally safe services and programs to enhance participation?
- How can you ensure that work practices are grounded in awareness of your cultural bias?
- How will you ensure that your awareness of your cultural biases leads to good work practices?
- What are the three key skills of culturally safe communication?
The experts at Australian Assignment Help are trained enough to give proper answers to above questions types.
CHCDIV002 Assessment Answers on Aboriginals Cultural Safety
CHCDIV002 is an important unit that is related to the promotion of Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues. The unit describes about skills and knowledge required by Aboriginals to identify the cultural safety issues in the workplace and thereby develop strategies with the objective of improving the cultural safety issues. Overall, the unit is all about giving adequate importance to the cultural safety issues that is identified among Australian aboriginals, and thereby providing sufficient information on the ways in which such issues can be addressed in a proper way.
Cultural safety is all about developing an environment that provides a sense of safety to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This indicates that there is no any scope for any kind of assault, or challenges to them while working in the workplace. It requires careful strategies to address unconscious bias, racism and discrimination, and supporting aboriginal self-determination to a great extent. The strategies that can be employed in order to enhance the ability to be culturally safe are:
1) allowing aboriginals to reflect on their own culture, beliefs and attitudes about others.
2) allowing proper two way communication giving adequate respect an free to give their opinion.
3) undertaking initiatives with the objective of building trust
4) avoiding stereotypical barriers as much as possible.
There are often queries among students such as CHCDIV002 assessment answers, and they are potentially in a search of solutions regarding the questions on cultural safety issues of aboriginals. The need of all those students seeking for CHCDIV002 answers can be properly addressed by the expert at Australian assignment help.
Elements of CHCDIV002 Unit on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety
As CHCDIV002 is primarily concerned with the cultural safety issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres islanders at workplace, the unit is designed with the objective of properly assessing the complete competence of candidate in understanding cultural safety concerns any strategies to improve the situation of aboriginal. The important elements of the unit along with the key performance criteria covered by this unit of CHCDIV002 are indicated below:
- Recognize cultural safety concerns at work: This key criterion judges the possible learning of candidate in related to assessing the possible impact of cultural factors on service delivery for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander customers, identify the most important issues that impact relationships and communication between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, discuss cultural safety with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and assess the degree to which cultural safety has been integrated into your work.
- In your own work, model cultural safety: It requires an understanding in relation to own cultural biases and ensure that work practices are grounded in this awareness, be aware of other cultures and their work practices, respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture by using communication and work methods that are respectful of their cultural differences and work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander translators and colleagues as cultural brokers.
- Plan strategies to improve cultural safety: Student must be competent enough in the area of encouraging the formation of partnerships between staff, Aboriginal/or Torres Strait Islander persons and their communities, identify and use resources to encourage partnerships, identify and document ways to support delivery of culturally sensitive services and programs and encourage greater participation and incorporate strategies that promote self-determination as well as community control into services and programs.
- Assess cultural safety strategies: Students can achieve competency in understanding cultural safety strategies provided they are confident regarding outcomes against which cultural safety strategies may be measured, able to include Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons in evaluations, able to compare programs and services to achieve desired outcomes, and revise strategies that are based on evaluation and with the appropriate engagement of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons.
A student can be considered competent in CHCDIV002 provided student has a good understanding of all the above learning outcomes of this unit.
How Australian Assignment Help can Assist in CHCDIV002 Assessment Answers
The nursing assignment writing experts at Australian assignment help are well-versed with the questions that are asked in CHCDIV002 unit, and they can therefore provide competent answers to easily pass this course. They can therefore be contacted in relation to CHCDIV002 assessment answers, and each and every question will be answered appropriately to ensure maximum marks to student. Since the experts have completed this unit with perfection, it is possible for them to give assurance of correct and most appropriate answer, and this can ultimately benefit the student in scoring maximum marks in all their CHCDIV units including CHCDIV001.