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CHCCCS011 Assessment Answers, Learning Guide and Resources.
Get CHCCCS011 assessment answers, CHCCCS011 answers, resources and learning guide from the experts of Australian assignment help with its highly qualified nursing assignment writers in Australia. CHCCCS011 meet personal support needs assessment answers as provided by the experts of Australian assignment help and highly relevant and effective enough from the point of view of workers providing care assistance to patients. They are good enough in answering questions such as how to meet personal support needs of an individual, how a person may feel if they are receiving personal care, how to provide support to meet personal care needs and similar kind of care support answers.
CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Need Assessment Answers
CHCCCS011 is an important unit related to meeting personal support needs of an individual. The unit is mainly applicable to workers that are responsible for providing support to people according to an established individual plan. The ways in which workers can provide physical personal support to individuals requiring help up is explained as a part of this unit. The overall emphasis of this unit is therefore on developing skills and knowledge that are essential to determine and respond to physical personal support needs of an individual and also in supporting their daily living activities.
As a part of support, the care worker is required to provide physical and psychological assistance to the person while looking after their personal care needs. They are required to positively respond to a client’s personal preferences whenever it is required. While providing support, it is also essential for the care worker to ensure compliance with legal and ethical requirements related to personal support. This requires consideration for privacy, confidentiality, work health and safety and manual handling related activities. It is essential for the care worker to have a positive attitude and being aware of realistic goals and limitations while providing support to patients. This unit of CHCCCS011 therefore emphasizes on workers that are responsible for meeting out the physical and personal support needs of individuals.
What is Covered as a Part of CHCCCS011 Assessment Answers Unit
The competency in CHCCCS011 can be achieved by a student by way of meeting out certain important key elements. These include:
1) Determine personal support requirements: It is important for the care workers to review individualized plan and confirm required equipment, and they must also be able to identify the requirement which are beyond the scope of their role, look after the provision of personal support including cultural needs of the person, and must be able to identify any risk related to the provision of support.
2) Maximise participation: It is also an important requirement within the care workers in order to achieve competency in this unit. They must be able to discuss and confirm the preferences for personal support in a positive way and should be capable enough to assist them in making their own personal support needs by way of providing sufficient information.
3) Provide personal support: It is an essential criteria to be highly competent in this unit of meeting personal support needs. The individual must be capable enough to safely prepare for each and every task and equipment and appliances, consider associated risk in the process, must be able to identify routine difficulties during the support process, and must maintain confidentiality, privacy and dignity of the person.
4) Complete reporting and documentation: This is also an important prerequisite which requires the care worker to comply with the organisation’s reporting requirements, maintain documentation and store information as per the policies and procedures of the organisation.